'Amazing' Viaer Marchi 2013
Over 6000 people passed through the gates at Saumarez Park for National Trust of Guernsey’s annual Viaer Marchi. Many stallholders sold out and are already saying they’ll double the amount of produce for sale at next year’s event. Early visitors were greeted by the pipes and drums of The Boys’ Brigade and traditional Maypole dancing was a fascinating and entertaining high point. Punch & Judy had children shrieking “He’s behind you!” and as always, the queues for Guernsey Bean Jar and Rocquette cider snaked through the happy throng. Catching up with friends, old and new, is a big part of time spent at Le Viaer Marchi. It’s a real family event for grandparents, parents and children of all ages. Visitors love the evening too and get a real sense of what Guernsey is all about. As one lovely lady said “We had an amazing evening on Monday….just the sort of occasion we enjoy.” We were blessed with a beautiful Summer evening and the following day’s foggy rain reminded us just how lucky we were. Thanking everyone for outstanding support for NTG and especially the Viaer Marchi Committee and stallholders who are just about starting to plan Viaer Marchi 2014. Save the Date! Monday 7th July, 2014. PS Anyone interested in taking a stall, please contact Jeanne Langford