Peter Le Vasseur Window on The World
"It’s the kind of art that you’d like to be left alone with for quite a few hours.”
Born in 1938 and having left the Channel Islands with his parents prior to the WWII German Occupation, Peter won a scholarship to Harrow Art College at the age of thirteen and progressed to exhibiting in major London galleries, selling artwork to the Beatles, film stars and aristocracy.
Based in Guernsey, having moved back to the Channel Islands many years ago, Peter’s latest collection illustrates a visceral interpretation of global environmental, social and political issues, embodying the exhibition title ‘Window on the World’.
As one observer of the pre-exhibition collection says: “Peter’s detail and use of colour is extraordinary. His art automatically triggers scrutiny and curiosity. I find myself peering at the same piece many times, always finding something new and inevitably wondering how and why, with a sprinkling of ‘of course’. If ever the Domino Effect was present in an artist’s work, it is within Peter’s. It is visionary, always thought-provoking and embodies the razor-sharp twinkle in his eye. It’s the kind of art that you’d like to be left alone with for quite a few hours."
Window on The World opens at Art at The Park on 29th May and runs until 21st June.
NTG Members and Artist's Invitees Preview on 28th May from 5pm - 7pm kindly sponsored by Canaccord
Free entry, access friendly and open seven days a week from 10am - 5pm. Last entry 4.15pm.