States of Guernsey Biodiversity Education Officer
Biodiversity Education Officer - Expressions of Interest
If you have a degree in an ecological science or related discipline which includes ecology as a significant part of the course, a passion for the future of our island and the ability to demonstrable knowledge of local ecology and the issues affecting it then the position of Biodiversity Education Officer may be of interest to you, or someone you know.
Following the Biodiversity Strategy being agreed by the States of Deliberation in December 2015, the States of Guernsey Agriculture, Countryside and Land Management Services (ACLMS) holds the responsibility for its implementation and works closely with the Biodiversity Partnership Group (BPG), who in turn advise on effective delivery of the Strategy.* As a result, ACLMS wishes to hear from individuals with appropriate experience, skills and qualifications who are interested in delivering the educational aims of the Biodiversity Strategy by developing links with a wide range of individuals, community groups, schools, commercial organisations and States entities to foster awareness of biodiversity in both the marine and terrestrial environments.
As the Biodiversity Education Officer, you will design and implement programmes of education and practical measures to encourage the conservation of Guernsey’s habitat and wildlife and the halting and reversing of the decline in biodiversity.
We would welcome applications from applicants at all levels, whether a recent graduate or someone with solid experience in this field.
Initially on a two year contract, you will be employed by Guernsey Environmental Services Ltd and work closely with ACLMS.
For further information, please contact States of Guernsey Agriculture, Countryside & Land Management Services by email [email protected] by no later than 4th September 2017.
* (The BPG is made up of representatives and qualified experts from a number of local Non Government Organisations which promote the conservation of local wildlife and habitat.)
Further details are available at Working for the States Facebook page or as follows: