The Wonders of Wool
Here at the Folk and Costume Museum, we’re pleased to be throwing open our doors on the first day of 2019 Heritage Festival by exploring the intriguing story of Guernsey’s wool industry. Imagine being able to pull a woollen knitted stocking through a finger ring. Such was the quality of Guernsey woollen stockings, that between 1700 – 1800 the Island was producing and exporting exquisite woollen stockings all over Europe; the must-have clothing accessory for the wealthy social classes. The fine art of hand-spinning wool on beautifully crafted machines is still practiced today and will be demonstrated on Friday 19th April, using several different spinning wheels. There will be a tactile display of different wool samples and visitors can try their hand at spinning. We tell the story of Guernsey’s iconic knitted item, the guernsey, lovingly-fashioned for Guernsey fishermen by kinfolk. Various features of the guernsey will be explained. Written information on the history of spinning and knitting in Guernsey will be provided, free to take away and read at your leisure. To complement the story of the guernsey, visitors are invited to explore our Costume Exhibitions for 2019, which include a rare and handsome 100yr old guernsey. Our newly decorated and expanded shop at the museum, now stocks guernsey’s, which can be purchased at a special price, on Friday 19th April. Free entry for all visitors. Friday 19th April, 2019 10am – 4pm The Folk and Costume Museum, Saumarez Park Access friendly throughout the main museum areas. Lift to/from first floor exhibition areas. How to find us: Saumarez Park, Castel, GY5 7UJ (Perry’s Guide Map 15G2) Google Maps GPS location Accessible using the following bus routes: 41 and 42. Buses leave the Town Terminus every 15 minutes. Alight from the bus at Saumarez Park and follow the park signage upon entering the park. We are a five-minute walk from any entry point to the park.