Around the edges of The Button Pushers NTG Summer Courtyard Concert 2018

What happens around the edges of The Courtyard, makes the difference between a good evening and a great evening. This post is warmly dedicated to our stallholders and audience who came along to Wednesday 18th July's concert when Irish Folk Band, The Button Pushers, produced a great set, generating lots of smiles and foot-tapping. Sarnia Arts and Crafts Club were represented by some new and familiar artists with two tables of craft and artwork, uniquely prepared for their two week period at The Courtyard. Plus, Anja Rozema’s Aloe4Ever stall, beautifully laid out and selling a wide range of aloe-products, including first-aid-in-aloe for this long, hot summer of 2018. Audrey Castanha’s ‘Amchi Bus’ was dishing out delicious Guernsey Beef Curry, rice, Dahl and lots of mouth-watering add ons. We’ve noticed that The Clever Ones, buy Amchi Bus food to take home and enjoy after the concert. ‘Buttons and Bits’ the new National Trust of Guernsey haberdashery stall for 2018 enjoyed some dedicated rummage by admiring visitors seeking braids, edging materials, buttons and feathered items, all drawn from the Trust’s collection of over 8,000 vintage items. Seekers of rare haberdashery items, will appreciate the sentiment ‘Buy now, or never’. The stall, with changing stock, will continue to run from The Museum Shop, once the Courtyard Concerts have ended. Irish Pound Cake achieved pole position at top-of-the-cake-stand tier, drawing more questions about a cake-stall recipe than we have ever known. A close second remains to be the traditional Guernsey favourites of Guernsey Gache, Gâche Meläie and Guernsey Biscuits. Quiches were prominent tonight and all sold out, plus the sought after Guernsey Vine Tomato and Pesto Sauce Tarte. Lemon Drizzle Cake, Victoria Sponge and our Guernsey favourites are being baked as we speak, for the third Summer Courtyard Concert on Saturday 21 July at 3pm with The Guernsey Glee Singers Concert – a perfect time for a great tea! Our thanks again to everyone who came along, especially to The Button Pushers for a superb second concert at The Courtyard. It was indeed, another wonderful example of ‘Honest music in a heritage setting’ Concert No. 3 - Saturday 21 July at 3:00pm - The Guernsey Glee Singers.