National Trust Guernsey’s Viaër Marchi 2014: T minus 2!

  Our President, Martin Ozanne, nearly made it to Page 3 of the Guernsey Press today - but they settled for Page 5 instead *phew*! A great interview and thanks Damien Wrigley for a great write up.  Martin says: "There will be a First World War display ... various music, demonstrations, craft work, stone cutting, Punch & Judy and a story-telling area.  For food lovers, there will be Gâche, doughnuts, Guernsey biscuits, Vegetarian & Pork Bean Jar, along with Guernsey cider for the crowds to slake their thirst.  We have a number of new stalls and ideas.  We have the Channel Island's Co-Operative, who will have a marquee displaying the local produce they sell.  We have a lamb BBQ and the traditional bric-a-brac stall, which is always very popular". There's a lot going on down at Lé Viaër Marchi this coming Monday! (and we're having a little chat with the weather gods ...)