Manx National Heritage – more exchange of ideas and best practice

Laura McCoy (MNH), Mike Brown (NTG) and Emma Le Cornu (MNH) meet at the Folk and Costume Museum Courtyard, Saumarez Park It was with the greatest of pleasure that National Trust of Guernsey welcomed Emma Le Cornu (Conservator, Library and Archives) and Laura McCoy (Natural History Curator) from Manx National Heritage at the Folk and Costume Museum, Saumarez Park. With the Trumpet Vine (Campsis Radicans) in full bloom, the courtyard provided an even more than usual picturesque setting for a second opportunity to exchange news about our heritage organisations, thanks to the Aurigny air-bridge between Isle of Man and Guernsey.  Hot topics for the meeting included the migration of paper archive information to digital archives, a responsibility faced by most long standing heritage organisations, all of whom’s collections started way before cloud storage was invented.  Management of our public facing properties during Covid, bright ideas going forward and a sense of belonging together, albeit on different islands gave us great heart and inspiration.  Talking the talk and expanding ideas for each Trust felt invigorating and refreshing. A passion to secure and encourage interest in heritage going forward is shared by both Trusts, with grip and gusto. With thanks to Emma, Laura and Manx National Heritage for a bright end to this week and we hope, more visits in the future.