Collection Connection No.9 Ormers

Welcome back to 'Collection Connection'. The series celebrates people's special connection with the different parts of Guernsey Heritage displayed at the Folk & Costume Museum. The series will continue with a new addition every couple of weeks so return to keep up with the series going forward. Today's Collection Connection covers the ormer shells found as part of the museum's Fishing display showcasing the traditional activities on the island's beaches with fishermen mending pots and cooking the catch in beach huts. Sylvia - Visitor 

    'My first visit to Guernsey was in the 1960’s with my family and it was my first time visiting the seaside. I remember spending everyday on the beach playing in rock pools and collecting shells. I can still remember finding a shell that a local child told me came from an ormer and seeing some in the display on fishing brought back memories'
Why not come to the museum and see if anything reminds you of something that you link with Guernsey. When visiting why not pick your own item for Collection Connection. Complete a form and send it to the museum so we can share your pick with other visitors (Form: Collection Connection)