Summer Courtyard Concerts at the Folk and Costume Museum, Saumarez Park

National Trust of Guernsey's Summer courtyard Concerts 2017 The exquisite courtyard at National Trust of Guernsey's Folk and Costume Museum at Saumarez Park, will be alive with song, music and rhythm each Thursday evening from 13th July through to 10th August. From 6pm until 7.3pm, local artists will be performing unique repertoires and making the most of the Museum courtyard's outstanding acoustics. Some seating will be provided, but for your own comfort, please feel free to bring chairs or a picnic blanket and maybe even a picnic. Refreshments are available to buy from neighbouring Saumarez Park Tea Rooms and facilities are just a short stroll away. Plenty of parking available at both ends of Saumarez Park. There's no entry fee, so please come along and freely wander in to a summer evening of music, set in beautiful heritage surroundings. Perfect fun for friends and all the family. Well-behaved four-legged friends on a leash, are welcome too. Donations to support this event and our performing artists, are most appreciated. Thursday 13th July 6pm-7.30pm: Vocalist - Kate Kellaway Style and influences: Ella Fitzgerald, Ertha Kitt, Norah Jones, Eva Cassidy, Kristen Chenoweth, Marti Webb and more ...