Collecting Bric-a-Brac for Lé Viaër Marchi 2018

'One man's scrap is another man's silver'

This year's Viaër Marchi, will be here before we know it – and we're already collecting for the event's hugely popular bric-a-brac tent - a destination for seekers of unusual, often curious and always, bargain objects. There's nothing worse than having a sort out, the contents of which takes root in your spare-room or garage. Help is at hand. We're interested in household ornaments, soft furnishings, paintings, china and objects which are too good to throw away. If you can sort your bric-a-brac, Jeanne, Claire and members of their volunteer team can collect it. There's no need for long goodbyes once you're sorted. Contact: Jeanne Langford on 239575 or email Claire Ogier 244254 or email and leave the next bit to us. Bric-a-Brac managers and volunteer doyennes, Jeanne Langford and Claire Ogier will be hanging up their petticoats at the end this year's Viaër Marchi. During their time at the helm of bric-a-brac, Jeanne and Claire have sorted, priced-up and set out well over 30,000 items of household miscellany and raised many thousands of pounds for National Trust of Guernsey. It would be good to make 2018 an extra special year for exemplary bric-a-brac and a retirement year, to remember. If you're intrigued by and interested in, making the most of objects generously parted with, please think about joining National Trust of Guernsey's volunteer bric-a-brac team. There are always some incredible surprises. To learn more, contact Jeanne and Claire as above.