We’d like to thank everyone who’s been involved with the National Trust of Guernsey’s work during 2017.
First, our thanks go to all our Members, of whom many, through friends and family, can trace their links to the Trust back to its formation in 1960. We’ve welcomed nearly 200 new members during the past year and, for anyone reading this, who is not already a member – thank you for your interest and please join us! The National Trust of Guernsey receives no funding from the States and is the Island’s major non-profit charity investing in Guernsey’s heritage, for the benefit of future generations.
Our thanks go to all our volunteers, from those helping with Lé Viaër Marchi through to Clark Land-Ranger (four paws). We thank you for your help, without which we could not continue to function as we do.
2018 looks to be an exceptional year for the Trust with more open places for everyone to enjoy.
Merry Christmas, one and all.