NTG visit National Trust for Jersey

National Trust of Guernsey council members enjoyed an inspiring day generously hosted by National Trust for Jersey, visiting The Georgian House at 16 New Street, The Wetland Center and Plemont. We also visited Dumaresq and Pitt Street, sites of heritage importance which National Trust for Jersey and Save Jersey's Heritage are keen to safeguard, restore and regenerate.

Getting to know each other was highly enjoyable and both Trusts benefitted from exchanges of ideas,  information, and experiences unique to our island-based organisations. NTG and NTJ are keen to promote events and initiatives in each island, as well as creating awareness between the island Trusts, of conservation issues and campaigns. As there was so much to talk about and so little time, we are delighted that NTJ's CEO Charles Alluto will visit Guernsey in a couple of weeks time when we hope to pick up where we left off. With grateful thanks to National Trust for Jersey staff at HQ for creating an inspiring agenda and allowing us to learn more about NTJ's unswervingly impressive achievements and future plans.