National Trust Guernsey AGM with Dame Fiona Reynolds - a full-house

Many thanks for a great show of support and interest for next week’s AGM, in the company of Dame Fiona Reynolds DBE, well-known for being ‘the friendly face of the National Trust’ during her time as Director-General from 2001-2012. Fiona not only brought the Trust’s houses to life but also raised the profile of its work in the countryside. We are delighted that many of you will be able to hear her speak on the impassioned subject of ‘The Fight for Beauty’. That the evening is fully-booked, is gratefully acknowledged and heartening news to share. We are thrilled that guests will include Volunteers from NT Hinton Ampner and NT Members, also visiting Guernsey. It's worth remembering that National Trust of Guernsey Members, enjoy free entry to NT sites in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, in addition to Reciprocal Arrangements with: National Trust for Scotland National Trust Jersey The National Trusts of Australia: Australian Capital Territory (ACT), South East Australia, Canberra, New South Wales Northern Territories: Tasmania Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Bermuda National Trust National Trust of the Cayman Islands National Trust for Malta National Trust for Fiji National Trust of Guernsey is a member of the International National Trusts Organisation, with over 70 member countries and places. Enquiries for visiting arrangements with associate members or countries/areas, not on this list, are always welcome. Dame Fiona's Presentation will be filmed and available to see, after the event. Links will be posted as soon as possible. Thank you all. Contact: