The Bric-a-Brac team of NTG's Viaer Marchi needs new helpers. If you have pored over the fascinating array of items both useful, decorative and sometimes downright puzzling, that fill the stalls of the marquee, you may enjoy getting more involved.
It’s a once a year event. There’s the preparation, the build-up. Working with a team to sort and price the amazing array of items donated. Then the event itself - this year on July 6th - with a crowd bustling and milling around the stall from opening time till dark. Last year over £2,000 worth of goods were shifted in three hours. It’s a vibrant part of the Viaer Marchi, and a major attraction to the event.
Do you simply have stuff for the bric-a-brac marquee - which can be items that are ornamental or practical for house or garden, including pictures and curtains, and it also includes bags, jewellery and scarves (but no other items of clothing). If you’re unsure whether they are of satisfactory quality, ask yourself - would anyone want to buy this item? Last year over £2,000 was raised by bric-a-brac, so it brings in significant sums to the National Trust coffers.
If you want to hear more, call Jeanne Langford on 239575, or Clare Ogier on 244254. You can also email Jeanne Langford or Claire Ogier
Please click on the following link for more information about NTG's Viaër Marchi and how to get involved either as a helper, or manning a stall.