National Trust of Guernsey's highly popular and largest annual fundraising event, Le Viaër Marchi, takes place on Monday 4th July 2016 at Saumarez Park.
Our bric-a-brac marquee is a treasure trove for those seeking curious, quality objects carefully selected by our bric-a-brac team. If you're having a sort out and the idea of 'creative recycling' appeals to you, do give us a call and we'll be pleased to take your bric-a-brac off your hands.
We don't accept jumble or items of clothing, but we have sold curtains, cushions, lamps and a variety of soft furnishings in the past. If you simply haven't got the room, or heart, to hold on to good quality interesting items, then this might be a good opportunity to offload and help the National Trust of Guernsey fund raise.
Please call: Jeanne Langford 239575 or Claire Ogier 07781 144254 With thanks in anticipation of receiving a call or email, to collect your items, at a convenient time.