Happy Christmas and Thank You

Thank you to our members, supporters, friends and visitors for making 2015 an exceptional year of support and progress for National Trust of Guernsey.  We've welcomed 112 new memberships, nine of which are Life Members and eleven new families too. National Trust of Guernsey's outreach continues to expand within the Bailiwick.  This year, as members of International National Trusts Organisation, INTO and after October's conference in Cambridge, we are very much in the hub of an important, worldwide heritage community. Being a member of the National Trust of Guernsey is an important show of support locally – and more.   Reciprocal free-visiting arrangements between so many worldwide heritage trusts confirm the open-handed support of heritage and environment matters across world communities.  Issues of protection continue to gather following in these uncertain times.  A nation's identity and heritage has rarely been more topical or valuable. Close to home, the United Kingdom's National Trust, The National Trust for Scotland and the Northern Ireland National Trust are places you can visit at no charge.  Just across the short stretch of water, the National Trust for Jersey's truly outstanding collection of properties and places are a gift to any visitor wishing to experience the cultural spirit of Jersey. Ben Dames, our UK contact at  National Trust Jurassic Coast,  moves to East of England National Trust team who manage some outstanding areas and properties.  We will be pleased to have Ben's connection at Wicken Fen and Ickworth as both places are well worth a visit for their remarkable locations, history and future hopes.  If you are interested in nature and a long term look at an extensive biodiversity project, Wicken Fen is a must. If members are travelling, please get in touch as, where possible, we will aim to give you a direct point of contact for trust visits, internationally, in the UK and Channel Islands. With ongoing protection of island heritage and engagement with Trusts near and far, 2016 is looking comfortably traditional and brightly expansive for National Trust of Guernsey. Thank you for your support. Happy Christmas. Martin Ozanne President