Walk safely towards Spring

NTG lands were always made for walking and enjoying some of Guernsey’s most spectacular cliff paths and countryside. As part of the two hours recreational exercise permitted under lockdown, now is a good time to take a look at the National Trust of Guernsey Google map and find somewhere new to walk, ideally close to you with as little travel as possible.

Our lands are often in remote places and you are unlikely to encounter many other ramblers. If you do, please keep your distance and wear face coverings in accordance with Recreational Activities guidelines. 

If you would like a printed copy of National Trust of Guernsey Properties and Reserves map, please email: admin@nationaltrust.gg with your name and postal address. 

Alternatively, for more details and GPS locations, go to Walks and choose from a great selection to suit all.

Our wintery landscapes may look bleak now, but Spring is around the corner and February is a fascinating time to witness nature’s transformation, day by day. 

Happy walking and sending our best wishes for keeping safe. 

#GuernseyTogether #togetherwearestronger